Facing Your Sea

waves crashing against rocks

Bondage can always be expected when we allow certain things to direct our lives; things such as the power of sin, our flesh, a corrupt world, and the father of all lies – Satan. There's no doubt the majority of people who find themselves bound up in slavery want to be delivered from whatever holds them captive. Unfortunately, many that are bound tend to already have their plan of deliverance in mind. A hard truth to swallow is that God's way of deliverance isn't always our way. In fact, it rarely ever is because our way generally involves God just removing the bondage from our lives without our being moved onto a new foundation. In order to bring you out of slavery, God has to bring you out! However, the path He chooses can sometimes seem impossible to us.

In the Old Testament, the Israelites had found themselves in bondage to the Egyptians under Pharaoh’s rule. What began as an exchange of servitude for the provision of food grew into a great oppression of all the Hebrew people. I'm sure many of us can relate to that sort of predicament. How many of us have ever agreed to exchange our servitude when seeking to have our needs met through drugs, alcohol, pursuit of wealth, or quick-fix relationships? It usually doesn't take long before we find ourselves feeling the weight of our bondage – crying and wishing there was a way out.

The Israelites began crying out to God from their oppression and He came to their rescue. After heavy persuasion from God, Pharaoh finally agreed to release all the Hebrew people including their livestock. So, they all took off walking out of the land of Egypt. It would be real easy to believe that the Israelites had been delivered simply because the Pharaoh had agreed to set them free. However, it was the journey that was set before them that would ensure their deliverance. A journey that God Himself routed all the details for the specific purpose of seeing His people set free – for good!

“When Pharaoh finally let the people go, God did not lead them along the main road that runs through Philistine territory, even though that was the shortest route to the Promised Land. God said, “If the people are faced with a battle, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.” So God led them in a roundabout way through the wilderness toward the Red Sea.” [Exodus 13:17-18]

It's important to always remember that God wrote the book on “saving the day”. He knows exactly what it will take for you to be empowered and overcome what has captivated you for so long. He knows what distractions to lead you away from so you don't get ran right back into captivity from seeking that comfort you became so accustomed to during bondage. We must learn how to begin trusting God's provision, even when the path before us appears to be leading into a trap – one that makes it seem like you're between a rock and a hard place. Remember that God already knows what we may not yet know. Like the fact that Pharaoh wasn’t going to give up that easily and would pursue the Israelites under the belief that their current surroundings almost guaranteed their surrender. In fact, God counted on it.

The Israelite’s situation looked hopeless with mountains on both sides, the Red Sea in front of them, and their enemy chasing them from behind. But it was from this specific scenario that God had ordered the deliverance of His people.

“But Moses told the people, 'Don't be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The Lord Himself will fight for you. Just stay calm’.” [Exodus 14: 13-14]

Facing the Red Sea played a vital role in being set free. The sea was God’s chosen method of walking His people into their future, while eliminating their past at the same time. Imagine what the people must have thought weighing out the options of walking a few miles between giant walls of water or being captured again. They knew what slavery was like, but this sea was unfamiliar. However, they desired freedom so they trusted God and moved forward into their freedom while they watched God eradicate their enemies right before their eyes as the walls of water collapsed upon every last Egyptian that was pursuing them.

So what does your sea look like? Are you prepared to face it? Do you truly believe that freedom waits for you on the other side? Or do you still prefer the twisted comforts of slavery? Our hope is that, if you desire freedom, you will cry out upon the name of Jesus and will embrace the journey He sets before you.

At Crossway we love helping folks learn to walk in the freedom that Christ has purchased for them. If you’d like someone to walk with you on your journey, give us a call at 864-224-5557 or click on the Counseling button below.